Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Putting up a Christmas tree with three year olds ... Fun & Frantic

So my Christmas tree was given a three year hiatus with the arrival of my twins, who are now three and a half years old.

This Christmas I decided they ought to be old enough to help with decorating it and that they'd appreciate what a fun activity I had allowed them to partake in.

It was fun... For about 15 minutes. Then the living room was a garlanded, bauble booby trapped land of terror.

Girl twin stayed on task for about 5 minutes into opening up the branches before deciding that she was going to be the photographer for this momentus event.

She decided that taking a picture of the nail plug and the hole in the wall was more interesting than Christmas tree decorating...  

Boy twin surprised me with how much longer he stayed interested and how much more perseverance he had in doing the repetitive, boring and prickly chore before the fun stuff came out of the boxes. 

Somehow it went very quickly from this...

To this...

Every bauble was crash tested. Dare I say, plastic is the only choice when it comes to decorating with toddlers and young kids. Maybe wood and even some metals? But glass decorations won't be seen in this house for at least another decade I'm predicting.

Nonetheless, boy twin was sweet and endured pretty much till the end and was interested enough to choose a tree topper amongst what we had. He was even willing to give the star that he'd initially chosen, a little wipe before I helped put it up.

Girl twin was squishing the bejeebees out of Rudolph's pom pom nose, which soon was no where to be found.

Farewell brave friend...you have fought the good fight.

Anyways, though it quickly went from, "Would you like to help me hang this here  sweety?" to "I SAID DON'T THROW THAT / BOUNCE THAT / STEP ON THAT / PUT THAT IN YOUR MOUTH!!!!" it was still a fun 2 hours spent on a Saturday morning. 

And since the tree was going in the corner... We only decorated two thirds of the tree. ;) why waste time decorating the part no one can see?? 

My quick tips for putting up a Christmas tree with your kids:

1. Take only the tree out first and then 1 small amount of decorations out. When the first lot is on the tree, take the 2nd lot out. It's all about regulating otherwise kids can kinda get over stimulated seeing all the baubles, glittery garlands and cutesy ornaments out all at once.

2. Test your strings of light before putting them on the tree. I strung 2 strings on, just to find out after, that only 1 string worked. Also this part I recommend doing before the baubles or garlands go on... Without too much help from the munchkins.

3. Don't be surprised if your child hasn't the focus or perseverance to get through the whole process. Let him do what he can then thank him for helping. Secretly reposition the 10 baubles he hung on the same branch without him around.

4. Designate sections to different kids and allot batches of decorations so that they don't rush to snatch up that only pink bauble in the sea of blue baubles and crash the tree inadvertently.

Girl twin's photo of the decorations

5. Speaking of decorations, I can't emphasize enough - plastic, plastic plastic. Reuse if you can or else arrange a bauble swap with some friends to freshen up the Christmas tree deco theme.

6. The tree topping & light up is the most special part... Invite your child to sit back and admire their "work" after everyone has also chipped in on cleaning up.

First he wanted this star, but then chose the cherub when he realized there was one in the box

Have a fun Christmas everyone! Happy holidays!!

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Hey awesome parent! Thanks for dropping by... fantastic days and tough days, all just mean you're alive :) Thanks for sharing!